As you have likely noticed by now, I have started making changes to the site.  Most of them have been minor with the most prominent change being the archiving of the old Friendly Garg site content.

However, I have also added commenting to the individual pages, so you can leave comments in a number of new places.  Also, I’ve changed a number of pages to a more uniform look and link structure.  And I’ve simplified some of the navigation factors.

Beyond that… I’ve basically extinguished the small changes.  So now, it’s time to start tearing down the current site theme in favor of something a little more professional and a little less HL-centric.

I’m also recruiting some team members in a thread in the Resource Depot forum.  Welcome Syrus Rayne as he has moved from just a member of the BWL Film Crew to the full Creativity Team as a news poster and Game Reviewer.

Expect some big things from BWL Development in the future.

But with that said, the appearance changes I am about to make on this site will affect some of the content for temporary periods of time.  Specifically, you may find the site looking drastically different for a few hours once in a while and you may also find links or features missing for those same periods of time.

Please, bare with us as this has been needed for a while and I want to really step up the site’s appearance.

Picture of The Wildcat

The Wildcat