I was browsing a few websites this morning when I stumbled on a brief message and a link.  Looking further, I found out something I really didn’t want to know.

Duke Nukem Forever… may be dead.

Duke creator 3D Realms has closed.  At least, that’s the story from Shack News.

“The closure came about as a result of funding issues, our source explained…”

They have updated with recent messages from related companies Apogee and Deep Silver stating that the issues with 3D Realms have not affected them or their own PSP/DS hand held Duke Nukem project known as the “Duke Nukem Trilogy”.

There has also been a statement from Joe Siegler on the 3D Realms forums that explains, “It’s not a marketing thing. It’s true. I have nothing further to say at this time.”

To read the ShackNews article, which has been updated 3 times thus far, go here.

I just hope one of the surviving heirs to the Duke Nukem Empire can revive the title and give it proper development service.  I certainly feel for the employees of 3D Realms as apparently, they were “let go”  with almost no warning apparently.

As late as Tuesday afternoon, Seigler was involved in an interview and apparently had no idea this was happening.  Here’s the TechDish interview part 1 published yesterday.

EDIT: Just be aware, the 3D Realms forums are being overwhelmed by visits, so take it easy if you can’t get in.

Also, the BBC has picked up the story… http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8037688.stm

Picture of The Wildcat

The Wildcat