Happy Easter

To anyone that is celebrating at this time of year…  be it Easter, Passover, Resurrection Day, or any other holiday… or you just a party with candy… Have a Happy One!


We stand on the verge of a new era for BWL Development.  And I wish to welcome all refugees from the FileFront hosted site apocalypse. Indeed… welcome to bwldevelopment.com Now, our transition to the new host was a hasty one since we had only a few days notice.  That being the case, I had to

Uh Oh…

UPDATE: It’s official… I’m sorry to give you the bad news guys, but due to lack of funding, filefront and all network sites will shut down this month (march, 30). Since you are hosted on xx.hl2files.com still, back up your files right away! I’m terrible sorry guys, but even I have been restriced of access