BWL RoadTrip: The August Trifecta 2009 – Redux

UPDATE: Several years ago, most of my videos were hosted on but I was a small channel. When they began purging smaller channels, several old RoadTrips were never re-uploaded here due to the music I used. Now, as we face the 10th year at QuakeCon, I think I’ll re-make some of those old RoadTrips

Shocking News

Captain America is coming back. Okay, that isn’t really shocking… I’m just glad we finally got past all the teasing the writers were doing over the past year. The real news is… Two new game comics. You read that correctly.  Today I have made available two new short comics. First up is the first episode

Featured Comic Strip: The Mesa Times

Whenever I started the transition of the site, turning it into Bored With Life, I had a few new comics and stories submitted rather unexpectedly.  At the time, I had only started to release new content.  I had actually only posted my first Half-Life 2 story. I had many plans for the future and began